Boston Terrier / Chihuahua / Mixed (short coat)
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All Mutts Matter Foundation



Our Mission Statement:

Our mission is to help dogs, especially senior dogs, who have been displaced either by an owner's sudden deployment, untimely death, illness, or other unfortunate situations.  All of the dogs are fostered in private homes where they are nurtured, loved and cared for until adoptive families are found for them. If a new family cannot be found, they will live out their lives with All Mutts Matter. Our mission also includes educating the public regarding the importance of spaying/neutering their pets and responsible dog ownership.  We are also dedicated to helping sick and elderly dogs know they are safe and loved.


Who we are:

We are an all volunteer, Delaware non-profit 501(c)3 tax-exempt charity and we provide a rescue network of foster families in private homes for displaced canine pets, assistance for dog owners, adoption services and canine-human foster relationships. We now have two additional chapters of AMMF. All Mutts Matter Foundation, Inc. is now located in North Central WV and Central Florida. We are committed to community education and training to develop cultural standards for responsible dog ownership, which includes the importance of controlling the pet population by spaying/neutering pets, shots, preventatives and micro chipping.  All Mutts Matter does not have a facility and it does provide residential living for dogs of all breeds, which includes healthy food, veterinary care and socialization.     


All Mutts Matters Foundation envisions a society where no loving pet is left behind without dignified care and quality companionship.  We intend to make a positive change in the world one honest friendship at a time.


Please be a life saver and consider fostering a dog in need. Fostering means welcoming either a senior, adult, or a puppy, into your home for a short period of time and providing them with love, care and learning to be a well-rounded family member. They are kept in foster homes until a perfect forever home is found.  All Mutts Matter will provide you with supplies needed for the dog while in your care (ie. crate, medicine, vetting).  Fostering a dog is a wonderful experience of nurturing a dog and helping him/her prepare for him/her new forever home. 

When we pull and save a dog from a shelter, we are opening up a space in that shelter for another homeless dog in need. The more foster volunteers we have, together, the more dogs we can save. When you foster a dog, you save two lives. The dog you are fostering and the dog you made room for at the shelter or rescue. Please contact us at if you are located in Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey, Virginia, West Virginia or Florida and would like to foster with us and help save the life of a dog and/or fill out a foster application located under the foster tab on the top. Together, we can save precious lives of dogs.